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I think there’s something wrong with my piggie.

If you have concerns, you should always ask your vet’s advice. If it isn’t an emergency, you’re welcome to message us. We may have some ideas, and will refer you to your vet if necessary.

Please note: We (Neville’s Nest) cannot suggest, nor diagnose, what might be wrong with a guinea pig. Therefore, any treatment, even if it is an over-the-counter (OTC) product, must be advised by a qualified veterinarian. A diagnosis is an act of veterinary surgery, only. If you choose to self-diagnose and trial treat – this is outside the power of Neville’s Nest.

Why don’t you recommend woodshavings?

We don’t recommend wood shavings for piggies. They aren’t suitable for their breathing, and there’s a chemical reaction with the urine which can cause changes in their liver. There’s lots of info about bedding on our website. We use VetBed with fleece pouches and tunnels, and it’s so much less messy! It means no more bedding to buy either! We sweep the poo once a day, wash the VetBed and pouches once a week and change the puppy pads under, easy!

I see white spots on my piggies bedding, what is it?

You might see white spots on your piggies’ bedding; this is because piggies can’t process excess calcium so will excrete it in their urine. In spite of this, we don’t recommend following a low-calcium diet to prevent this. If your piggie suffers from regular urine infections, it is the time to consider reducing high calcium vegetables. The same applies if your vet thinks that they may have bladder stones/sludge.

An example of a poorly piggie

Julia Neville

Julia founded Neville's Nest in 2018 from their home in Oadby, Leicester. Now being based in Stoughton, the rescue has expanded but still remains home-based and offers a personal and friendly service.